Can a Car Accident Cause Nerve Damage?

Car accident injuries like open wounds and broken bones are immediately visible, while others cannot be seen unless medical tests are completed. The ones in the second category include spinal compression and internal organ injuries. Car accidents can also cause nerve damage, which can be challenging to diagnose and treat.

How Can I Tell if I Have Nerve Damage From a Car Accident?

Nerve damage symptoms can be felt anywhere in the body, although the most common locations are the extremities and along the spine. These are some of the signs that you might have nerve damage:

  • Bladder or bowel control problems
  • Chronic headaches
  • Loss of balance
  • Muscle spasms and weakness
  • Numbness
  • Pain radiating to an uninjured body part, like your fingers
  • Sexual dysfunction
  • Shooting pains
  • Slow reflexes
  • Tingling or burning sensations

These symptoms might not be noticeable immediately after a car accident, particularly for people who have other injuries like broken bones and severe bleeding.

What Injuries Cause Nerve Damage?

Whiplash from car accidents affects neck and shoulder muscles; spine injuries can also pressure nearby nerves and cause them to become compressed or pinched. Nerve damage develops when internal injuries, inflammation, and compression impact the nerves.

Herniated disks occur in the neck or back when the body is twisted or forcibly moved in car accidents. Once forced out of place, these discs separate the spine’s vertebrae and can pressure nerves.

A pinched or compressed nerve (neurapraxia) develops from excess pressure applied by surrounding bones, cartilage, tendons, or muscles. The blood supply to the nerves is interrupted; recovery ranges from six to eight weeks.

Axonotmesis refers to crushed nerves that can result from more violent impacts. Full recovery is possible, but the damage can be permanent with full or partial paralysis. Neurotmesis is an even more severe form of nerve damage, a serious laceration or crushing of the nerves. Complete recovery is usually not possible.

How Do Doctors Diagnose Nerve Damage?

Neurologists check for nerve damage by testing a patient’s coordination, range of motion, strength, and reflexes. They use tools like EMG (Electromyography) tests and Nerve Conduction Studies (NCS). A CT scan or MRI might also be used to detect other internal injuries that could have caused the nerve damage.

Nerves are more likely to heal when they have not been cut. Severed nerves are extremely difficult to treat, and the chances for recovery are lower. Surgery can successfully repair damaged nerves, but healing can take months or even years. Regular checkups, medications, and physical therapy can all help.

Can I Receive Compensation for Nerve Damage From a Car Accident?

If someone else caused your car accident, you might be entitled to compensation that covers your medical costs, property damage, and pain and suffering. You could be entitled to damages for your medical expenses and more depending on the extent of your injuries and whether or not negligence was involved.

The financial and physical costs of nerve damage can be considerable, so consulting with an experienced car accident attorney would be a logical first step. They can help you calculate the losses, gather evidence, and fight to get the compensation you may be entitled to.

A Mount Laurel Car Accident Lawyer at the Law Office of David S. Rochman Will Help You if You Have Nerve Damage From a Crash

Nerve damage from a car accident can be hard to live with, especially when someone else is responsible for your injury. Contact a knowledgeable Mount Laurel car accident lawyer at the Law Office of David S. Rochman for a free consultation today. Contact us online or call us at 856-751-2345. Located in Mount Laurel, New Jersey, we serve clients in Burlington County and the surrounding areas.