How Should I Handle Delayed Injuries After a Car Accident?

Delayed Injuries Car Accident

Most people rely on their vehicles to get to work, school, and other places. Thankfully, most of the time, drivers get to their destinations safely. Even when a car accident does happen, it does not mean you will be seriously injured. However, some serious injuries do not show up right away.

Right after a car crash, you may feel shaken up but otherwise feel fine. While you may not have a visible injury, it is possible that you experienced a serious but delayed injury that will require treatment.

You may be confused on what to do after a car accident, especially if you do not notice any injuries. However, to make sure you have no hidden injuries, there are a few steps you should follow. Listed below are ways you should handle potential hidden injuries after a collision.

Do Not Settle With an Insurance Company Right Away

You should always report accidents to your insurance carrier. However, it is possible you could be explaining what happened in a way that can be used against you when seeking to recover for damages. Do not lie to insurance companies, but do not go into too many details. It is best to hire a lawyer before making any remarks to the insurance company other than the time and date of the accident and who was involved. It is important to have an experienced lawyer on your side to advise you on how to seek adequate compensation for your losses.

Insurance companies typically go out to assess damage to property and evaluate claims right away. They quickly decide how much they are willing to pay out on an insurance claim. This first offer may be too low for a variety of reasons.

See a Doctor

Be sure to pay close attention to how you feel in the days following the accident. Even symptoms that seem minor can be signs of a serious injury. It is important to get examined by a doctor as soon as possible after a car accident. Fully explain what happened and any symptoms you may have, no matter how insignificant or unrelated they may seem. Common delayed injuries that can arise include neck injuries, brain injuries, internal bleeding, and back injuries.

Neck Injuries are very common after a car accident. The force of a sudden stop causes muscles in the neck to seize up to protect the head. These muscles are experiencing extreme stress that can lead to sprains and strains.

Whiplash is a neck injury that frequently happens after rear-ended accidents. Initial symptoms can be stiffness, pain, and soreness in the neck area. Other symptoms can include headaches, blurred vision, and limited range of motion.  Sometimes, whiplash symptoms include numbness and tingling in the extremities.  This is a sign that the injury was not limited to muscles and has damaged nerves in the spine. 

Concussions and traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) also happen in car accidents. Brain injuries are the third most common injury incurred in car accidents. These can happen even if there is no obvious direct impact to the head. A sudden stop can cause the brain bang against the inside of the skull. This can lead to bleeding of the brain or bruising. Concussions and TBIs can cause many symptoms, including headache, confusion, dizziness, tiredness, bad taste in the mouth, sleeping difficulties, vomiting, memory problems, and more. 

Changes in mood, temperament, behavior, or personality are also symptoms of TBIs. Some behavioral changes associated with TBIs are frustration, impulsivity, anger, impaired social skills, and lack of self-awareness. It is also possible for those suffering from a TBI to experience significant changes in personality. They may become more or less outgoing, irritable, active, or experience changes in their interests. Emotional difficulties can also arise, including depression, anxiety, and mood swings. Diagnosis is not always easy, and it may require imaging tests. 

Internal bleeding can occur, and symptoms may not appear for hours or even days after the accident. Symptoms include purple bruising, fainting, or dizziness. If untreated, internal bleeding can be fatal.

Keep Good Records

Relying on memory to record what happened in the accident is not the best strategy. If you are able to, try to take pictures of the accident location and the damage to the vehicle right after the collision. Also, if a police report is generated at the scene, be sure to get a copy.

Visits to doctors for an initial assessment, diagnosis, and treatment can add up quickly. Keep a record of the doctors you have seen, test results, hospital stays, medicines, medical devices, and all other related records. These expenses should be reimbursable, but that is only possible when there is proof of the costs and that they are related to the accident. 

Mount Laurel Car Accident Lawyers at the Law Office of David S. Rochman can Help You if You Have a Delayed Accident-Related Injury

If you were involved in a car accident, you should look out for symptoms of delayed injuries. Settling a case too soon could result in losing out on compensation for the full extent of your injuries. Our Mount Laurel car accident lawyers at the Law Office of David S. Rochman can advise you on the best path forward. Complete our online form or call us at 856-751-2345 today to schedule a free consultation today. Located in Mount Laurel, New Jersey, we serve clients throughout the surrounding areas.