What Should I Do if I am in a Car Accident While on Vacation?

vacation car accident

Few things are more distressing than getting into a car accident while on vacation. No matter where the accident happens, the first step is to ensure that you and your passengers are okay. If an emergency room trip is unnecessary, you still want to visit a nearby urgent care center that same day because symptoms can show up afterward. Your health is essential, so take care of this first and follow up with your primary doctor when you get home or as soon as possible.

When you call 911, the police may or may not arrive, depending on where the accident occurred. It is essential to get a copy of a police report, so if they do not show up, you will want to reach out to the nearest police department and file one. 

Take as many pictures as you can, including the vehicles, skid marks, weather conditions, and anything that may have contributed to the accident.

Exchange information with the other driver. If you do not feel safe doing this, take some photos of their license plate. When in a strange area, you cannot be sure what could happen, and your safety is the main priority. 

Contact your auto insurance company as soon as possible and explain what happened. Do not elaborate on the specifics, and never indicate that you may have been at fault because they could use this information to delay or deny a claim later on.

Should your car be inoperable, call a local tow truck company; your insurance company may be able to help with this. You may also need to reach out to a local auto repair shop. Be sure to keep track of all your expenses related to the accident, from the urgent care center invoice to the tow truck receipt. You will want to have as much evidence as possible if you hope to pursue a claim later.

Should I Call a Lawyer?

Out-of-town car accidents can be complicated because you are out of your comfort zone and may not know where to seek help. Your auto insurance provider can recommend local towing companies and body shops. Still, you will want to contact your health care insurer to help you locate nearby providers that participate in your plan. If another driver caused the accident, you might be able to get reimbursed for all of these costs. 

It is also essential to know that states have different laws about fault; this can be confusing. If the accident is severe and you need legal guidance, the best step you can take is to contact an experienced car accident lawyer.

Mount Laurel Car Accident Lawyer at the Law Office of David S. Rochman Offers Trusted Legal Guidance on Vacation-Related Car Accident Claims

Whether you get into a local car crash or one far away from home, our experienced Mount Laurel car accident lawyer at the Law Office of David S. Rochman can help. Call us at 856-751-2345 or complete our online form to schedule a free consultation. Located in Mount Laurel, New Jersey, we serve clients throughout the surrounding areas.