Car Accidents

Camden County Car Accident Lawyers

Camden County is located on the state’s western side and is well-known for its highly populated Cherry Hill community, the birthplace of drive-in movie theaters, poet Walt Whitman, and the first canned condensed soup.

Suffering an injury due to the negligent actions of others frequently results in costly medical bills, lost wages, and property damage. Our car accident lawyers at the Law Office of David S. Rochman have served Camden County residents for decades.

What Are Common Causes of Car Accidents?

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), human error accounts for nearly all car accidents, usually due to recklessness and unsafe driving habits. While there are many causes of car accidents, the most common include:

  • Aggressive driving: Excessive lane changes, speeding, tailgating, cutting off others, and disobeying traffic laws are considered aggressive driving actions.
  • Distracted driving: Engaging in other activities, such as using a cell phone or onboard technology, eating, reading, or answering emails, and many other activities divert drivers’ attention.
  • Drowsy driving: Sleep deprivation can result in the same neurological impairments as alcohol and drugs, and driving while sleep-deprived is just as dangerous.
  • Drunk or impaired driving: Drunk driving is among the most dangerous. Alcohol and drugs affect brain function, reduce focus and reaction time, blur vision, and cause blackouts or induce sleep.
  • Speeding: Driving over the posted speed limit reduces the distance and ability to stop quickly and is one of the most common causes of accidents.
  • Tailgating: Rear-end collisions are almost exclusively caused by tailgating. Driving too closely reduces stopping distance, especially in congested stop-and-go traffic.
  • Weather: Snow, ice, or rain create slick road surfaces.

What Types of Car Accident Cases Do We Handle?

In New Jersey’s highly populated urban areas, traffic congestion is daily. We handle numerous types of car accidents, including: 

  • Head-on collisions
  • Rear-end collisions
  • Side-impact or T-bone collisions

What Types of Injuries Are Common in Car Accidents?

Some of the most common car accident injuries include but are not limited to:

  • Back, neck, and spinal cord injuries
  • Broken bones, fractures, bruising, burns, and lacerations
  • Crushed or severed limbs
  • Disfigurement and scarring
  • Internal organ damage
  • Partial or full paralysis
  • PTSD and other psychological trauma
  • Traumatic brain injuries
  • Whiplash

How Can the Law Office of David S. Rochman Help Me?

Suffering severe injuries in a car accident often results in devastating and life-changing consequences. Even minor accidents and injuries can result in expensive medical bills, lost wages, and costly property damage. Serious injuries can leave you with lifelong or disabling medical conditions that affect your ability to work and reduce your quality of life.

Our experienced legal team can investigate the scene, review police reports, hire experts, establish your ongoing medical needs with your care team, negotiate with insurance companies for a settlement, and represent you in court if necessary.

What Should I Do After a Car Accident in Camden County?

You can take steps following an accident that benefit your claim substantially. Provided your injuries are minor and you are physically able, you should do the following:

  • Call the police to report the accident and any injuries.
  • Photograph the scene, including vehicle damage, injuries, road conditions, traffic signs, weather conditions, and other contributing factors.
  • Minimize conversation at the scene, as what you say can be used against you later.
  • Gather contact information and statements from witnesses.
  • Seek medical attention immediately, even if your injuries are minor. Symptoms of some internal injuries do not appear until later but can be life-threatening if left untreated. You will also need a doctor’s report for your insurance claim.
  • Maintain all records, expenses, and any correspondence related to your claim.
  • Hire an experienced car accident lawyer with a successful track record.

What Compensation Can I Seek if I am Injured?

Compensation for personal injury claims varies, depending on the extent and seriousness of your injuries. Compensation has no established value in New Jersey. It is determined through a combination of economic and non-economic damages.

Economic damages refer to the documented expenses related to the accident and your injuries, including medical expenses, rehabilitative care, lost wages, and property damage.

Non-economic damages are the unfixed costs of pain and suffering associated with your accident and injuries, such as amputation, disfigurement, disability, loss of quality of life or companionship, and emotional distress.

Understanding New Jersey’s Personal Injury Laws

New Jersey is a “no-fault” and “comparative negligence” state, affecting whether you can sue the other driver and the compensation you recover.

New Jersey requires all vehicle owners to carry personal injury protection (PIP) in case of accidents and injuries. When an accident occurs, each driver is first covered under their insurance for medical bills and lost wages, regardless of who is responsible.

Comparative negligence affects the total compensation you are awarded based on your contribution to the accident. Under comparative negligence, each driver is assigned a percentage of fault in the accident, and the total compensation you are awarded will be reduced by that percentage.

Is There a Statute of Limitations for Filing a Personal Injury Claim?

Per New Jersey law, you have two years from the accident or date of death to file a personal injury claim.

Camden County Car Accident Lawyers at the Law Office of David S. Rochman Help Clients Injured by Negligent Drivers

If someone else’s negligent actions injure you, our Camden County car accident lawyers at the Law Office of David S. Rochman can help. Call us today at 856-751-2345 or contact us online to schedule a free consultation. Located in Mount Laurel, New Jersey, we serve clients in Burlington County and throughout the surrounding areas.